Thursday, 24 April 2008

This would be so awesome...

While browsing a random news aggregator, i came across a thread discussing High School Pranks. The idea below had me in stiches-partly because i know I'd fall for it myself!

Cagey B [TotalFark] 2008-04-23 01:38:58 PM
I post this in every prank thread, but the most awesome ever is when someone gets two goats, paints a "1" and a "3" on them, releases them in said school/office building/church/funeral home, and sits back and watches as the authorities go nuts looking for "2".

Pure genius!!

1 comment:

Saxon said...

thats three comments in a week of each other. Don't say your going to be updating regularly :-)??

Oh and the goat idea is very funny.