Friday, 6 March 2009

A Long Pause

Well, it seems that was a very long day (Though I'd beet Saxon to the punch there....)
Work is going well. Turns out the first few days back were very hectic with all kinds of little problems raising their heads. Mainly little simple things, like monitors not being plugged in. The best is someone saying "My computers not working" me, after walking in, turning it on and saying "There you go all fixed"

Things since that have been good. I'v learnt how to deploy software using MSI files, rather than installing it to every computer using a CD. When you ave 125 computers to manage, this is a good thing!
I've also learnt how servers work and have become familiar with all kinds of things. Also I work with the children a lot, helping teach the ICT lessons in lower primary.
This week was great fun-it was World Maths day Wednesday, and because of this we set up all of the schools laptops in the main Hall to allow everyone to have a go on the website, competing with other children all over the world. IT was hard work to set up and take down but the amount of fun they had made it all worth while!
It was also a good chance to stress test the internet and wireless network.
IT was interesting to see the reports from the firewall we have. On a normal day we use about 1.8GB of bandwidth. Wednesday we used 3.2GB-quite an increase!

Well thats the highlights of my experiences so far as a network administrator. Tune in later for more exciting updates!

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