Tuesday, 9 September 2008

So I have arrived

SO it seems i have arrived safley in Luxembourg. The trip over here was fun and ended up as a 27 hour day for me! I started my last ever shift at work on Saturday Morning. I was up at 3am as i started just after 4am ready to open the restaraunt at 5am. After opening we had no customers in until about 6.10am, proving the point that opening that early in Loughborough is pointless as nobody wants to buy McDonalds that early in the morning. I ran a good whift and then as a final present got to leave early, just after 12. I said godbye to everyone then ventured out into the rain to walk up to my car feeling a little emotional as my 7 years at McDonalds drew to a close.
AFter i got to the car i drove back to the HArdys to finish packing everything. After packing all my things, i then got a call asking me to go to Curys and collect the bike Nicholas left there, as Mum and DAd were running late. Eventually they drove down to meet me and collect everything at about 5.30pm. We then loaded up the cars and headed south. The rain abated while we loaded but as we drove south it turned into, as Saxon described it 'Mega Death Rain' This is capitalised as it was that bad. At this point i'd had a nap while Mum and Dad drove down to Loughborough from Bradford and so Dad and I were driving. We were up gainst it as our ferry was booked for 9.20, meaning we had to be there at 8.50 and we didnt leave Loughborough till 6pm. The Satnav said the journey would take 3hrs 15 min. Despite this and the weather Dad and I pused on safely and drove at speeds appropiate to the prevailing road conditions managing to arrive at Dover at 8.50. At this point we checked in both cars and then were told that due to the weather the ferry ws delayed until 10.40. This meant we waited in the cars at the terminal safe from the mega death rain. We did venture out once, Blackwidow and I, to visit the service area there and purchase burgers from Burger King to eat with the last of our English Money. We then got loaded onto the ferry about 10.20 and went upstairs to meet up as the two cars were parked in different spots aboard. The crossing was a little rough but not too bad overall, and my family admired the secret project of Saxons making and agreed how cool it was (Saxon, photos will eventually follow!)
When we arrived in Calais at 1.10am French time Mum and Dad drove the cars and we headed off to Luxembourg at a nice steady pace. WE stopped a couple of times and i fell asleep lots but we arrived safely at our apartment at 6am and all collapsed into bed and slept till 12pm sunday, as it was stake conference that weekend and the stake centre is about 2 hours away from where we live. AFter gettin up we unloaded the cars and started to sort the apartment. Overall a fun trip and so far this week has been good fun overall! Futher deatails to follow, along with a report from a skirmish Saxon and I had a couple of weeks back.......

1 comment:

Saxon said...

you ran a good whift?

"drove at speeds appropiate to the prevailing road conditions"
yes I've seen your idea of this before

and purchase burgers from Burger King
They went to Burger king. Heretics, heretics!! Burn Them! burn them!